Don’t Miss Out: Tickets Now Available for Flip Out’s Pumpkin Party! 🎃

Flip out Poole



It’s time to get a membership and enjoy more for your money. For just £10.50 a month you can enjoy a 2 hour experience every single day.


Simply click "Book a membership session", select your date and time and then make sure to hit "Use a membership" and enter your unique code.

Premium Membership

Enjoy a 3 Hour Experience every day
Free Membership Spectator Pass every day
10% OFF Food & Drink in The Diner
20% OFF a Birthday Party every Year
Bring a Friend for FREE every month
Access to all attractions
Price (Per Month)
Premium Membership£15.50

How it works

Upon purchasing a membership, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your membership number and on your first visit, you’ll be issued with a membership card - this will be used to book your future sessions online and MUST be brought with you on every visit. Our Flip Out memberships have a minimum 3 month term. The first payment is taken upfront with subsequent payments taken monthly automatically via your Debit/Credit Card. This payment will go out on the same date each month. The membership is only valid for use by one person. The membership cannot be used by multiple guests.

Book Now

Standard Membership

Enjoy 2 hours in the arena every single day
Just £10.50 per month
Access to all attractions
Price (Per Month)
Standard Membership£10.50

How It Works

Upon purchasing a membership, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your membership number and on your first visit, you’ll be issued with a membership card - this will be used to book your future sessions online and MUST be brought with you on every visit. Our Flip Out memberships have a minimum 3 month term. The first payment is taken upfront with subsequent payments taken monthly automatically via your Debit/Credit Card. This payment will go out on the same date each month. The membership is only valid for use by one person. The membership cannot be used by multiple guests.

Book Now

Book A Membership Session

2 hours in the arena
Select your date and time
Click "Use A Membership"
Enter your unique membership code as found in your confirmation email
Book Now

Before your visit

Group Discounts Sessions Birthday Parties

Terms And Conditions

Principal Terms

This Agreement commences once you have purchased a membership either online, over the phone or in-park. The purchase of a membership indicates your acceptance of these terms.

This agreement will become binding on you & us when we contact you with an email confirming you have purchased a membership, at which point a contract will come into existence between you & us.

You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges set for the Type of Membership chosen.

You cannot transfer this agreement to anyone else.

Payment & Ongoing Charges

The Joining Fee (if one is payable) and the first month's membership fees are collected from you by us either by Debit / Credit card or Cash at the time of purchase. Joining fees (if applicable) are applied to cover the initial administration costs associated with setting up a new membership.

If you are looking to upgrade your membership (where upgrades are available), there may be an admin fee charged at the point at which you upgrade.

Ongoing payments for monthly membership fees will be taken automatically via your Debit/ Credit card. You have agreed to this at the point of purchasing a membership.

Your second payment for monthly membership fees only will be collected one month after you joined, unless you joined before your park opening in which case they will be collected one month after the park opened. Subsequent payments for monthly membership fees will be collected monthly thereafter. Each payment made is not refundable under any circumstances.

If any Debit / Credit card payment is refused or declined during the minimum term or if any other form of payment is not honoured for whatever reason, you shall pay us on demand an administration fee of £10. If, despite us having notified you of a missed payment, further payments are missed, we reserve the right to, at our sole election, either suspend or terminate your membership, upon having given you written notice of our intention to do so. We may present an option to reduce the administration fee if the outstanding amount is paid within 7 days of becoming due.

You agree to advise us immediately of any change to the Members Details provided.

Recurring Membership Fee Price

From time to time we may need to increase the price of membership. We will give you at least 1 full months' notice of any incoming price increase and will make it very clear when the price increase will take effect and how much your membership will cost after the increase. During this period, you will have your usual right to terminate your membership in accordance with the membership terms and conditions and rules. If you do not terminate the membership by the date given to you in the notice, then the price of your membership will be increased per our notice.

Minimum Term

There will be a minimum term of 3 months for your membership. Other than during the cooling-off period, you cannot cancel your membership earlier than the minimum term.


Recurring Payment Membership

You cannot terminate your membership during the minimum term (3 months)

After the minimum term, you may terminate your membership at any point by contacting the park where you purchased your membership via the park’s email. The park’s email can be found on the park’s location page on the Flip Out website. Please call the park for options available to you or any further information.

In the above circumstances, your membership will remain in force until the day before your next payment is due, at which point it will automatically terminate.

**Money-Back Guarantee **

As per the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 you are entitled to cancel your membership and receive a full refund of any fees paid within 14 days of completing your membership application form. However, as per regulation 36 of Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, your membership commences immediately at the point of purchase and therefore, you agree that if you subsequently cancel your membership within the 14 days, you will be refunded any monies paid, less an amount for the membership you have already used commencing from the first day after joining.

Membership Abuse Policy

Your membership & membership card/number can only be used by you/the intended minor: Your membership card/number is issued solely for your use, as your membership is personal to you and only covers your use of time in your park’s arena. You are responsible for keeping your membership number/membership card secure and confidential at all times. The membership number/membership card remains our property at all times (unless agreed otherwise and evidenced in writing).

Use of membership numbers is monitored: In the interests of the safety and security of all our members, the use of membership numbers and access is monitored and individuals using membership numbers/membership cards may be asked to provide proof of identification.

What we will do if we think your membership number/membership card has been misused: Should we believe that your membership number/membership card has been used by another individual or individuals we may (in our discretion) decide to conduct an investigation. If we do so we will: (a) inform you, via email, that we believe your membership number/membership card has been used by another individual or individuals and ask you to provide us with reasonable assistance to investigate the matter; and (b) following our investigation we will contact you, via email, to inform you of our findings and our proposed course of action, which may include one or more of the steps set out in paragraph 4 below.

Our Right to make additional charges and/or cancel your membership: If you unreasonably refuse to cooperate with our investigation, or following our investigation we have reasonable grounds to believe that your membership number was used, with or without your knowledge and/or consent, by another individual or individuals, depending on the particular circumstances of each case, we reserve the right to take one or both of the following steps, which are in addition to any other legal rights that we may have : (a) to apply a penalty charge to your membership fees (and increase your recurring payment(s) accordingly). The penalty charge will be calculated as being equal to the daily membership charge (that applied at the time of use) for each occasion on which your membership number was used by that individual/those individuals; and/or (b) in the event of serious misuse of your membership number, for example, your membership number has been used on repeated occasions and/or by more than one individual, to notify you, via email, that we are cancelling your membership with immediate effect, and no refunds will be given.

Your responsibility for another’s conduct: If we have reasonable grounds for believing that you knowingly provided your membership number/membership card to another individual or individuals, or allowed unauthorised entry following your entry to the park, in addition to our rights referred to in paragraph 4 above, we may hold you responsible for the conduct of the individual(s) while on our premises, and liable for any loss we suffer as a consequence of that conduct.

On your first visit after you have purchased a membership, we will take a picture of the member for our records. This photo can then be used to verify the identity of the member if we deem it necessary. The picture will only be used for this purpose. You agree to us taking this picture upon agreeing to these Terms & Conditions at the point of purchasing a membership.

Valid Sessions

Memberships are only valid during the standard bookable membership sessions. The membership does not allow access to Stay & Play or any other special sessions or events; these sessions are separate from memberships & are chargeable.

Memberships allow access for 2 Hours per day during the standard bookable membership sessions.

There will be a limited number of slots available for members during the bookable membership sessions. The number of membership slots available is separate from the overall park capacity. It is possible that there may be capacity in the park for other ticket types & other sessions at the same time that there are no membership session slots available. The number of membership slots available during each valid standard bookable membership session is at the park’s discretion & subject to change.

Valid bookable membership session times are subject to change at the park’s discretion.

Membership Perks

From time to time, there may be various perks associated with membership; these perks are subject to change. We will give you at least 1 full month’s notice of any changes to the membership perks and will make it very clear when the changes will take effect. During this period, you will have your usual right to terminate your membership in accordance with the membership terms and conditions and rules.


You will be issued a membership card on your first visit; you must bring this card every time you visit. If you lose your membership card, there will be a £2 charge for a replacement card.

If you make a booking using your membership & do not show up for the booking, there will be a £5 surcharge. You can cancel a booking up to 24 hours before the session is due to start without charge.

General Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions can be found on our website:

Your Personal Information

Our privacy notice can be found on our website: